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What is League of Legends?


The game, League of Legends is a 3D, 3rd person, multiplayer, online, battle arena (MOBA).

It is a 5v5 that requires teamwork, strategy, and quick thinking. In each game mode teams work together to get a victory after, destroying the core building (called the Nexus) in the enemy team's base after destroying all their defenses before.

Also, there are 141 champions to choose from all with unique abilities and there is sure to be one for you, whether you want to front line and tank or stay behind and do the damage there is always a champion for everyone.


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Maps And Game modes

In League of Legends there are a lot of game modes and a few different maps. The maps include Summoner's Rift, Twisted Treeline, ARAM, and the maps created by the developers for the rotating game modes. 

The game modes include Blind Pick, Draft Pick, Ranked Solo/Duo, Ranked Flex, Twisted Treeline, ARAM, and co-op vs AI.

Blind Pick is basically the game mode for when you start playing and leveling up there are no bans and all champs can be played.

Draft Pick is what you unlock after Blind, it has 5 bans for each team and they can ban any champion.

Ranked Solo/Duo is the same as Draft but with Ranking and Elo.

Ranked Flex is the same as Draft and Solo/duo but you can party up with 4 other people at once.

Those were the "main game modes" the other game modes are Twisted Treeline in which is a 2 lane 3v3 game mode.

ARAM is a 5v5 1 lane map with randomly chosen characters for you to play.

Co-Op vs AI is you and other players team up against AI it is fairly easy and fun to play.

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In League of Legends there are 3 lanes and a jungle. The three Lanes are top, mid, and bot. Top lane usually includes tanks or bruisers.  Mid lane usually has Ability power champions to balance out the team's attack damage and ability power. Bot lane has both an AD carry and a support building tank items, support items, and maybe even both!

The jungler usually stays in the jungle killing monsters and occasionally ganking lanes to help snowball their lead or help them catch up.

In League of Legends, one game can take from, 15 to 60 minutes. The goal of the game is to break down the enemy's base and their nexus. At the beginning of the game, there is a laning phase in with everyone is in their lanes farming and pushing each other trying to take the other's turret lasting about 15-20 minutes then comes grouping faze in which the teams group to start focusing objectives and starting team fights. Then comes the late game in which everyone is most likely at their "full build" and to the point where whoever loses a team fight loses the game.

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Summoner's Spells

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